Adult Faith Formation

Weekly Bible Study

Every Wednesday Pastor Jenn holds Bible study from 1-2pm. All are welcome to come, read a piece of scripture, ask questions, dig deep and learn about how God is still speaking to each of us all the time!

North Church Women

North Church women meet seasonally and monthly for book groups, luncheons and service projects! Together we celebrate each other’s joys and walk with each other through sadness, and we make plenty of time for fun in the midst of our faith. Come and join us!

Theology on Tap

On the last Tuesday of every month we gather at Dough Craft Pizza on Lafayette Rd in Portsmouth for conversation, delicious snacks and any beverage we’d like. We center these gatherings on our lived experience of faith: what does God’s love look like when we’re stuck in traffic? How do we practice gratitude when everything seems to go wrong? How do we find our way when we feel lost?

All are welcome - come join the conversation!

North Church Men’s Breakfast

Once a month, North Church men meet for breakfast at a local coffee shop or diner for conversation and fellowship. All are welcome!


Sunday School & Youth Group

